About MLD

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage, or lymph massage is a gentle approach that focuses on the top layers of tissues for the enhancement of lymphatic circulation. Lymph drainage can help clients improve metabolism, regenerate body tissue, normalise organ function, and boost the immune system. It may be performed as part of a traditional massage or used as its own full treatment.

    Lymphatic drainage is likely to benefit clients in general good health. A full lymphatic drainage treatment can be especially effective for clients experiencing lymph and immune system conditions, such as lymphedema and lipedema.

    Highly recommend to patients that have just undergone cosmetic surgery, including liposuction.

  • To understand how lymphatic drainage works , it helps to know the function of the lymph fluid within the body.

    The lymphatic system is a network of delicate tubes throughout the body. It drains fluid called lymph that has leaked from the blood vessels into the tissues and empties it back into the bloodstream via the lymph nodes. It is built of lymph vessels, lymph nodes and lymph the fluid that travels through both.

    In a healthy individual, lymph interacts with tissue by delivering nourishing protein and enzymes to it while also flushing out toxins and viruses.

  • In general , a therapist who is trained in manual lymph drainage therapy will perform the treatment. Lymph nodes and lymph ducts are located in areas of the body often sensitive to touch: The neck, groin, armpit, inner knee and inner elbow are all areas of concentrated lymph nodes.

    These areas and the lymphatic system itself are fragile. Gentle touch is key in effective lymph drainage, as firmer pressure might collapse the lymphatics and inhibit{the flow of lymph. As when receiving traditional massage therapy, during lymphatic massage treatment the client will disrobe and lie on a massage table.

    Using light slow strokes in the direction of the lymph flow, the practitioner pays close attention to the client's natural rhythm of lymph circulation and enhances this movement. Lymph massage can be performed anywhere on the body.

  • There are many benefits of Lymphatic Drainage including the following…

    • Like any massage, lymphatic drainage therapy can reduce stress and encourage relaxation as well as improve overall health and well being.

    • Helps to reduce swelling and bruising

    • Lymphatic drainage has also proven to reduce oedema, or fluid build- up in the body , after mastectomy.

    • Support the immune system and improve sleep for those with chronic fatigue.

    • Lymphatic massage can also be beneficial for athletes and anyone in the rehabilitation process after sport injury.

  • There are plenty of reasons to have Lymphatic Drainage Therapy after liposuction and ither cosmetic surgery such as…

    • Accelerates recovery time by reducing swelling, bruising and fibrosis.

    • Relaxes the sympathetic nervous system therefore reduces pain.

    You may notice a hardness or lumpiness to the areas treated with liposuction especially in the abdominal and even more so combined with other body contouring procedures. This is normal right after your procedures, this is caused by inflammation and trauma from the cannula (instrument that sucks out the fat ), moving under the skin, channels are formed by the cannula that can fill up with fluid and tissue also becomes swollen.

    Manual lymph drainage therapy helps to move the fluid by gently pumping it back into the lymph vessels, this reduces swelling and discomfort. Without manual lymphatic drainage therapy the inflammation can evolve into fibrosis (Hardening of the tissue ) or seroma (pocket of serum ).

    Most cosmetic surgeons are prescribing/encouraging their patients to have lymphatic drainage after most procedures especially after liposuction as this enhances get the best possible results from their procedures.

  • It is possible to begin 24 hours after surgery depending on your surgeons preference.

    How many sessions will I need?

    It is ideal to have at least 1 to 6 treatments post operatively, patient who have liposuction to the abdominal area often have up to 12 sessions.

  • If performed properly it is not painful. Lymphatic drainage is not like a traditional massage, it is a specialised body work modality that uses a gentle, rotating, pumping motion that moves the lymph fluid without increasing the blood circulation. Increasing the blood circulation with deep tissue massage can actually inhibit the movement of lymph fluid.

  • Yes, this is one of the best applications of manual lymph drainage therapy.

    Bruises are accumulation of cellular debris and old red blood cells in the tissue. Lymph drainage therapy greatly reduces healing time for bruises by cleansing the spaces where blood and debris substances are trapped.

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